Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Top 10 Tuesday!
10) You're a lifelong Orioles fan.
9) Your league keeps track of steroid/HGH accusations.
8) Randy Johnson is your "ace."
7) You spend the entire draft looking for Wade Boggs all the while the computer auto-picks for you.
6) You have 6 first basemen and not one of them has the last name of Pujols.
5) You successfully petitioned a team to bring back Oil Can Boyd just so you can have him on your team.
4) Your team is called RedsFan4Life.
3) Your "youth movement" includes Jorge Posada.
2) Rick Ankiel is your best position player... and pitcher.
1) You pick like a girl.
Special thanks to Brian Manning and Austin Frost for their contributions and ideas for today's list.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Top 10 Tuesday!
10) "When does BYU start playing?"
9) "Wow, I've never seen that many white guys on one team before."
8) "It's a good thing the NCAA went through all the trouble for BYU if they win so their second round game won't be played on a Sunday."
7) "Hey, what's Michael Jackson's favorite university? Brigham Young!"
6) "Do you know what BYU actually stands for? Another weak NCAA tourney showing."
5) "I'm surprised playing in the Mountain West Conference couldn't get us more prepared for playing these tough teams."
4) "I'm not a betting man but if I was I'd go for the team with less white guys on the floor."
3) "THIS is what my tithing is paying for?"
2) "At least we still have Utah and Utah State in."
1) "When does football start?"
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Old School

Call me old fashioned or old school or prehistoric or unwilling to change or your grandparents or whatever but I still like to buy CD's.
Don't get me wrong. I love the digital/MP3/iPod/age. I love the fact that I can get an electronic device smaller than your normal calculator and put on 1000+ songs for my listening enjoyment. It beats what I used to do. Walk around with a discman (its what I did at college, I couldn't afford an iPod) and stopping to replace CD's on occasion. I think it's great that we have the technology to do this.
But I still love CD's. I remember back in the old days (high school specifically) I used to love getting a new CD and popping it in my stereo to listen to its audio goodness while poring over the liner notes. If it contained lyrics? Even better. I'd learn the lyrics to my favorite songs. I had Columbia House (I mentioned that in a prior post) and would get a new CD a month and I used to look forward to when it would come in.

It saddens me that all these record stores are going out of business but that's just the times. I get more out of sorting through CD's racks trying to find that diamond in the rough, something that catches my eye that tells me I have to get it or I haven't heard it in a long time, than just typing in the search bar on iTunes. On occasion I go to a record store (Rockaway records?) with my Father-in-Law and I love looking through the used CDs.
Like I said. I love the digital age. I love iTunes. I think its great. But call me old fashioned or old school or prehistoric or unwilling to change or your grandparents (I am 30) or whatever but I still like to buy CDs.
Y'all come back now, y'hear?