Call me old fashioned or old school or prehistoric or unwilling to change or your grandparents or whatever but I still like to buy CD's.
Don't get me wrong. I love the digital/MP3/iPod/age. I love the fact that I can get an electronic device smaller than your normal calculator and put on 1000+ songs for my listening enjoyment. It beats what I used to do. Walk around with a discman (its what I did at college, I couldn't afford an iPod) and stopping to replace CD's on occasion. I think it's great that we have the technology to do this.
But I still love CD's. I remember back in the old days (high school specifically) I used to love getting a new CD and popping it in my stereo to listen to its audio goodness while poring over the liner notes. If it contained lyrics? Even better. I'd learn the lyrics to my favorite songs. I had Columbia House (I mentioned that in a prior post) and would get a new CD a month and I used to look forward to when it would come in.

It saddens me that all these record stores are going out of business but that's just the times. I get more out of sorting through CD's racks trying to find that diamond in the rough, something that catches my eye that tells me I have to get it or I haven't heard it in a long time, than just typing in the search bar on iTunes. On occasion I go to a record store (Rockaway records?) with my Father-in-Law and I love looking through the used CDs.
Like I said. I love the digital age. I love iTunes. I think its great. But call me old fashioned or old school or prehistoric or unwilling to change or your grandparents (I am 30) or whatever but I still like to buy CDs.
I was just venting this same issue to my students last week when I introduced their album cover project.
ReplyDeleteWe should all make a trip out to Amoeba!!
Y'know I was on your blog today and clicked on the link to your class blog and those kids you got right now are really talented! Some real good stuff.
ReplyDeleteI am with you. The electronic version is not the same. For me it is good enough if it's not something I really care about, but if it is something I really do like, I want to have the CD in my hand.
ReplyDeleteThere is a physical aspect if owning and experiencing music as well, but that is something I could go on and on about.
And when I really really like an album, I have to get in on vinyl - which is really old fashioned - but is also becoming increasingly popular.
Anyway, good post.
Hey, Gatsby! I'm flattered that you would grace my blog. I'm not into vinyl though. My father-in-law is big into vinyl and he has thousands of records. It's cool that vinyl is making a comeback though. Where did you find your turntable?
ReplyDeleteThe one I have now I got at Guitar City for $100 (needle probably cost another $25).