To me its not as impressive today as in the old days to have a fancy camera. Probably because it wasn't as prevalent. Back in the old days having a fancy camera meant film. You didn't see them all over the place. It seemed more exclusive. More cool. I used to want to take up photography. In high school I wanted to get in the photography class but it was full and that was that.

This is my camera now. It's a Canon Powershot A530. It's not fancy but it gets the job done.
We just made a trip to Utah and took some pretty good photos with it I think. For more trip details it'll be on my wife's family blog. Here are the pictures.
Now this isn't a knock against people with fancy cameras. I think its cool that the digital age has gotten a lot of people into a hobby I don't think they would have gotten into in the first place. I don't have any aspirations to get a fancy camera. Though I do want something a little sleeker that could fit easy in a pocket. And a little more fancy just without the long lens.
RUSS THANK YOU. I've been really wanting to express my feelings on this photography subject but I can't. I will upset many people if I do.
ReplyDeleteI'm a professional photographer and I completely agree with you.
Too many of those people with their fancy cameras don't know how to use them and their pictures are flat and uninspiring. The digital age sucks. It breeds laziness and uneducated "photographers".
I have to stop here.
PS. We missed you guys at our party :(
I like my fancy camera. In fact, I do know how to use mine, I I love the fact that I can capture to moment with my kids, instead of saying....."ok wait.....wait....wait, ok, cheese!"
ReplyDeleteYou know, my sister was talking to me the other day about this same thing. My nephew's soccer team was supposed to get team photos that day, but never showed. So some moms there said that they had a camera and they could take them, and take them they did! She was surprised at the number of people that had a DSLR just hanging around in their purse.
ReplyDeleteI have one of my own, so I guess I'm one of them, but I wouldn't say I'm lazy or uneducated (IMHO). I may not have taken any "formal" training, but I have bought or checked out many books and I read whatever information I can get my hands on and try to practice what I learn as much as I can with 3 kids. But, that's just me and I know there are those out there who think if they buy the fancy camera their pictures will automatically become "fancy" too...
On another note, I have seen work by so called "professionals" with education on the subject, and find them to be quite uninspiring. And I've seen work by those who have had ZERO education and their work is amazing! It goes both ways.
Anyhoo, I guess the point I'm really trying to make is that yes, there are A LOT of people with fancy cameras out there, BUT I don't think it takes away from photographers whose work is truly great. I think that this digital age forces those with talent to really challenge themselves to stand out and be better than the rest.
wow, i agree with nats. she really said it best--and i agree that is goes both ways. and while i like to poke fun at all the schlubby sahm's (not you nats!) that have dslrs, i am happy that i can now get a decent family pic without having to pay 350 bucks (and that's supah cheap!!!)!
ReplyDeleteI agree. I don't see the point in buying a fancy camera unless you are going to make the effort to get to know it and use it. Annie, I love what you said. Janelle, in case you didn't notice but I was referring to you and Sean having matching cameras but I think its cool that you guys do that together. Natalie, I know how much effort you put into your picture taking. I'm glad you all get my drift without being offended.
ReplyDeletep.s. we wish we could've been at your party, Annie!
Natalie, my comment was definitely not a jab at you. You are almost opposite of many of these shooters I'm diggin' at. You read, you study, you do everything you can to soak up knowledge. If I ever say anything against ameture photographers, please please don't think I'm talking about you (as long as you don't use actions :)
Annie, I didn't think you were taking a "jab" at me. I was just using what you said to point out another point of view- that of the non-professional. No worries- you won't offend me (even when I can't help my action addiction). ;)
ReplyDeleteBTW everyone, Stef is my sister (just in case you couldn't figure it out) I told her to check it out since she had just brought this up with me.
Russ, I like when you bring up little topics of debate. My sister has a blog for debating, but true to it's name, is WAY too philosophical for me. I like to see everyone's opinions on the "little" stuff.
When I went to Europe 3 summers ago, all I had was a Canon Powershot, except mine was a 3 MP camera (not as fancy as your 5 megapixels Russ). And I think, looking back, that I got some great photos while I was there.
ReplyDeleteThe camera doesn't make the photographer, just like the paint brush doesn't make the painter.
If I had the money I would definitely buy a fancy camera... no I'd probably buy clothes.
ReplyDeleteYESSS!!!! Bethany, ditto. D I T T O. I went to the mall the other night though, and really couldn't find anything I really liked...
Why don't you kids ever go to the mall together?
ReplyDeleteGood question
ReplyDeleteYeah, I knew it was us that you were talking about. We don't own 2 cameras, Sean's is a work camera that he had taken home that weekend to get some work done. It worked out well though to have two cameras. We each followed a kid.
ReplyDeleteAh, I thought you did that together. That's cool though. If you have the access then why not? Good point though. When Ollie starts moving a second camera would be a good idea.
ReplyDeleteLets go shopping one day, Annie. It's always good to have a girls opinion besides Russ and the boys.
ReplyDeleteI used to have a digital SLR and I still have my sidearm point-and-click. I miss the SLR; my STBX has custody of it since he used it more.
ReplyDelete(STBX = soon to be ex)
STBX, got it.