Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Top 10 Tuesday!

Top 10 Rejected Titles for the New Transformers Movie

10) Transformers 2: Stuff Blowing Up
9) Transformers 2: Revenge of the Contractual Sequel
8) Transformers 2: We Couldn't Afford Hondas
7) Transformers 2: Rise of the Prius
6) GoBots the Movie
5) Transformers 2: The Last Time You'll See a Pontiac in a Major Motion Picture
4) Transformers 2: Don't Worry We Got Megan Fox to Come Back
3) Transformers 2: Attack of the Clones
2) Transformers 2: Herbie's Revenge
1) Transformers 2: G.I. Joe Owes Us One

Special thanks to my homey, Bret Murdock, for his assistance with this week's list.


  1. I'm disappointed that you didn't work flan into it some how. Flansformers 2 or Transformers 2: Not as bad as flan.

  2. Duly noted. Flan has become a fixture in my top 10's. I will make an amendment for next week.

  3. This list is even funnier when read aloud to a bunch of high school geeks in a British accent. :)

  4. Tell me you're not joking about that!


Y'all come back now, y'hear?

Y'all come back now, y'hear?