Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Top 10 Tuesday!

Top 10 Rejected Titles for the New Transformers Movie

10) Transformers 2: Stuff Blowing Up
9) Transformers 2: Revenge of the Contractual Sequel
8) Transformers 2: We Couldn't Afford Hondas
7) Transformers 2: Rise of the Prius
6) GoBots the Movie
5) Transformers 2: The Last Time You'll See a Pontiac in a Major Motion Picture
4) Transformers 2: Don't Worry We Got Megan Fox to Come Back
3) Transformers 2: Attack of the Clones
2) Transformers 2: Herbie's Revenge
1) Transformers 2: G.I. Joe Owes Us One

Special thanks to my homey, Bret Murdock, for his assistance with this week's list.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Do You Remember?

I was just thinking the other day and do you remember what your earliest possible memory is? I have a couple and I'm not really sure where I can place them in my mind but they are cloudy and I'm sure either of them are the earliest. I have two memories:

1) I remember being in an earthquake because I remember the room was shaking. I was looking around. We had a red cloth couch I remember seeing that. I'm not sure if it was my mom or my older brother but one of them was standing against holding onto the couch.
I try and place this but based on where I've lived the only place feasible for an earthquake would be Arizona. I was born there and I don't think we lived more than a couple years there. So I couldn't have been older than two. Does anyone know how far back a person can remember stuff?
2) I remember being held up by one of my older brothers or my Pop and we were looking at our dog. I think her/his name might have been Candy and that she/he may have been a wiener dog. This could have been in Iowa but I'm not sure. This has to be after the earthquake.

The reason why I thought about this because I was thinking about my boys and how fast Casey is growing and learning and remembering things. I was wondering what their earliest memories will be and if I'll be in any of them. My boys are so important to me and I hope that their earliest memories are good ones or at least something they can vaguely make out better than I can. I just hope they're not of me shouting at the TV from getting destroyed in Gears of War 2 on Xbox Live.
I hope this isn't their earliest memory. Because we already have the pictures to show for it.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Fancy Cameras

So we were at our church Easter egg hunt and I noticed something. Everyone and their brother it seems has a fancy camera. You know the ones. With the impressive strap around the neck, bathed in black, and with a long lens. I saw a married couple and they had his and hers matching fancy cameras and it got me to thinking. The digital age has made it easier for people to take up the hobby of photography.

To me its not as impressive today as in the old days to have a fancy camera. Probably because it wasn't as prevalent. Back in the old days having a fancy camera meant film. You didn't see them all over the place. It seemed more exclusive. More cool. I used to want to take up photography. In high school I wanted to get in the photography class but it was full and that was that. Hello, I'm inadequate.

This is my camera now. It's a Canon Powershot A530. It's not fancy but it gets the job done.

We just made a trip to Utah and took some pretty good photos with it I think. For more trip details it'll be on my wife's family blog. Here are the pictures.
Eat it fancy cameras! I look great on this one!

Now this isn't a knock against people with fancy cameras. I think its cool that the digital age has gotten a lot of people into a hobby I don't think they would have gotten into in the first place. I don't have any aspirations to get a fancy camera. Though I do want something a little sleeker that could fit easy in a pocket. And a little more fancy just without the long lens.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Top 10 Tuesday!

Top 10 Rejected Baskin Robbins Flavors

10) Spicy Brown Mustard
9) Crystal Pepsi
8) Obama Guava
7) Kobe Beef
6) Spicy Tuna Roll
5) Cool Ranch Doritos (with bits of chips mixed in)
4) Frog Legs (though it really tasted like chicken)
3) Purple
2) Funnel Cake (why it was rejected is beyond me)
1) Flan

Special thanks to Maria Chappell for today's topic

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

A Very Difficult Question...

What is a more tasty theme park treat?

The Churro

With it deliciously chewy inside and slightly crispy outside the churro is a delicious theme park treat. It normally retails from $3.00 to $1,000 (I'm looking at you Disney Land). The closer is the outstanding coating of cinnamon and sugar (one of my favorite combos of all time ) all over these masterpieces. Perfectly portable that you can eat and walk around. Thank you Hispanic person that came up with this yummy snack.


The Funnel Cake

Funnel cakes are a fabulously fantastic fair food (how's that for alliteration?)! Straight out of the deep fat fryer and onto a paper plate covered in powdered sugar it goes almost unchallenged. You know you have a good one when the plate has a big grease stain on it (that means its extra healthy). It doesn't stop at powdered sugar because you can get jam on them (Knott's Berry Farm anyone?) While not as portable as the churro its worth sitting down and taking a break for.

This is a quandry and a difficult choice. I don't know which is better. I want to say funnel cake. I really do. Instead I'll go with deep fried Twinkies (I'm kidding - no picture included because they are na-a-a-a-asty).

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Top 10 Tuesday!

The Top 10 Rejected McDonald's Menu Items

10) Caviar Parfait
9) Gator McNuggets
8) McHot Pockets
7) Whopper Jr. Jr.
6) McShrimp and Grits
5) 1/8 Pounder
4) Double Cheeseburger Milkshake
3) McColonel's Original Recipie Chicken with 11 herbs and spices
2) Big Mac Salad
1) McFlan

Y'all come back now, y'hear?

Y'all come back now, y'hear?