Monday, May 4, 2009

If I Could Get a New Job

Now, I know its randomized by a computer but I'd love to be the person that types those letters that you have to type to verify comments to post them on someone's blog. I'd type really random words like "Buttercream," "Revolving Door," and "Flan." Or I just jam on the keys for a couple of seconds like, "aklefhaeuihfkanekjfhiwehfkaherigslkfjglirjtoqjherotfhabawiehfuiahrgia" and they would have to re-type it back exactly in order to get their comment posted. The best thing I'd do is copy and paste entire news articles and have people re-type those.

Man, that'd be an awesome job.

(Also I'd like to apologize to my wife who saw the title and thought this was a serious blog post. Sorry, honey. It's just me screwing around again.)


  1. I posted a comment earlier but it never showed up. *tear*

    Just wanted to give some blog lovin' and say that this blog is on my top 10 list of blogs for people I know in real life. :)


Y'all come back now, y'hear?

Y'all come back now, y'hear?